Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Brain Dump 1

"You can't be everything for someone just as someone can't be everything to you."

"It's the expectation that someone can be everything to you that kills the relationship"
Now what? where do I go from here?

"Is it unhealthy to spend so much time with someone?"

I constantly ask myself why I needed a break from my friends. it scares me. why is it that every time I get close to someone, I push them away? Is it because I spend so much time with them? Is there something wrong with me? Am I mean for not enjoying every second of my time with people?
Am I selfish for stepping back? Is that what happened with Friend 7?
I mean, it seems true to me. Every time I spend so much time with someone something happens.
But does that mean it's unhealthy? or are they just not the right people?

"You shouldn't uproot your life to spend time with someone"

That is exactly what I constantly do. I shouldn't. Or should I? I don't know anything anymore.