Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The mask that falls

Suddenly you become friends with somebody.
You become friends for 2 years or so. You know the person so much you know how they would respond to anything, you know what they like and what they do not, you know the decisions he or she is going to make about anything.
Then suddenly and as if a mask falls you find the person you knew so much to be someone else.
How can you be fooled for years?
It seems so real.
How can they not be who you thought they were?
For 2 years? How come?
Who are they?
Are they who you thought they were or were they fooling you all the time?
Learn about my blog before pressing the follow button on the right.
I am a book lover.
My posts are inspired by my life.
My blog is not only about books it's about the life of a book lover...Me.
You will probably find A LOT of things you could relate to.
After all, How different could we be?

My reason for why you shouldn't call someone fat

Why do you do it?
Calling people fat?
Does it please you?
Does it make you feel better about yourself?
Let me tell you this that person either doesn't care or that issue is already annoying them.
So can we please not Call anyone fat anymore?
Learn about my blog before pressing the follow button on the right.
I am a book lover.
My posts are inspired by my life.
My blog is not only about books it's about the life of a book lover...Me.
You will probably find A LOT of things you could relate to.
After all, How different could we be?