Thursday, July 14, 2016

How much do you actually think about what you say?

Hello there
How is your life going?
I hope it's great!

This post is a message to every reader.
A message that people keep sending and we keep forgetting.
I am writing this message now because of a recent situation that I faced.

Don't forget to like, comment, and follow.
I hope you enjoy this post.

Think of how easy it is to speak. Think of how most of the time you do not think about what you say until you actually do.(While this is a controversial topic- you see I think that we actually do think about what we say before saying it but we do not know because we do so subconsciously.I mean sometimes we think we didn't think about something while we actually did and well sometimes we didn't)
How much do you actually think about a good comment you said to someone(or bad for the matter)?
I know I forget A LOT (I don't even remember what I say most of the time), but well I know enough people to confirm that anyone doesn't usually remember a nice comment they said about someone.

(can you see where I am going with this?)
See how trivial you think what you say is?

On Saturday (today is Thursday)I was speaking to a teacher about extracurricular activity about my blog and that it is an option but it isn't good and a person standing next to me I know but only vaguely says " no her blog is really good". Such a small phrase don't you think?

Now bear with me for a second. I had another blog on WordPress before this one. I did it before this one and it was kind of experimental. And then the beginning of this summer I decided to do this one, which is a better-updated version- I think. But soon after the fifth or so post on this new blog, I stopped uploading. I just thought it was useless.

But a few days after that small phrase, I found myself uploading a post.

Small cause BIG effect.
I am actually very thankful to that person who probably didn't realize the effect of his small comment.
Thank you!

In addition, I actually remembered a classmate who overheard me speaking to a friend about my blog and surprisingly-
1- she didn't know it was my blog.
2-she actually knew about it!!!!!
3- she LOVED it

In conclusion, You NEVER KNOW.
You hadn't dealt with you. Do not just assume you are a bad person.
There is no certain way to know what people are thinking all the time.

Take every word for granted.
Make it an inspiration.
Do not ever allow people to put you down.

Lastly, I cannot stress enough how important it is to think of how exactly the opposite might have happened.

Take every opportunity to raise people(well try not to lie) and only then will you rise

Learn about my blog before pressing the follow button.
I am a book lover.
My posts are inspired by my life.
My blog is not only about books it's about the life of a book lover...Me.
You will probably find A LOT of things you could relate to.
After all, How different could we be?

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