Thursday, April 6, 2017

What success means to me.

It is very common that a girl my age gets asked what she wants to do in the future. A year ago I had a definitive answer: a psychiatrist. I wanted to help people emotionally, Kids, teenagers, adults, everyone. But then I wanted to do more. I wanted success.

Success to me is a peaceful world. A World where EVERYONE has a chance. A chance to eat, to work, to get educated, to get what he or she wants, a chance TO LIVE. A World where there is no discrimination and injustice. A World where people are not scared to live in. A World where people can be happy.
A World where people work together not against each other. A World where people from the same country are not killing each other for power or any other reason.A world where schools, hospitals, and airports are not bombed EVERYDAY SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD. A World where people are helping each not working to destroy each other.  A World where when there is a country in war other countries interfere to stop this war not do what is in the interfering country's favor. 

A World where people do not have so much hatred toward each other. A World where people do not have so much jealousy toward each other. A World where people are not constantly working to break each other apart, but to help each other stand up.A World where people do not constantly criticize each other.

A World where children are not killed. A World where little girls are not raped. A World where children are safe.A World where children are not thrown into orphanages because of some conspiracy on the country or their parents. A World where teenagers are not forced by society to be up to some standard.A World where teenagers are forced to put up with so much. A World where adults are not experiencing the pain of losing their children to some disease or attack. A World where adults are not taken away from their children because of some debt. A World without so much innocent peoples' death because of chemicals, suicide, carelessness, and injustice.

This is what success is: A World in peace. A World where people CAN LIVE IN. 

The first step is really a request. 
I wish everyone would start helping the people around them
Do little acts of kindness
and the rest shall come gradually.

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I am a book lover.
My posts are inspired by my life.
My blog is not only about books it's about the life of a book lover...Me.
You will probably find A LOT of things you could relate to.
After all, How different could we be?